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Joy to the World: A Biblical Worldview, Part 4

Updated: May 15, 2021

Time as we know it is not eternal, it is created. Before there was time there was God. After time ends there will be God. This is one reason God refers to himself as I Am. God is infinite, he cannot be measured by time. He simply and profoundly is. Time is temporal, having to do with what is temporary. As Paul says, don’t focus on what is temporary, but focus on eternity. Faith has to do with eternity. This means that faith is rooted not in time but in the person and character of God!

For example, when we say, “I have faith everything will work out,” our understanding of faith is misplaced. Faith is not primarily about everything working out. Faith is about knowing and pursuing the person of God. So Jesus says to seek first his kingdom and righteousness, the things that are connected to the character of God.

Those things that are not tied to the pursuit of God, like tomorrow, Jesus says not to worry about them. In one sense tomorrow is not important, because tomorrow has to do with time, it is temporary. The pursuit of God’s character, his goodness, his rule in your heart, those are things that go beyond time. Those are the things that matter.

The things that have to do with time are necessary, but they are not what you must live for. Don’t measure your life and your children’s lives by the pursuit of time-related issues, the things that are temporary.

Seek the things that are related to God’s kingdom, those things in this life which are connected to what is eternal. Relationships have to do with more than what is temporary, they have to do with God and his eternal character. Relationships that last and build up are ones that focus on finding how to glorify God.

Living for God’s glory and honor frees you and me from the bonds of the temporary This allows us to see beyond the immediate struggles of life and not be controlled by them. Living for the glory of God and not for the pressure of time is liberating and healing.

You cannot change how long you live. You can change what you live for!

Thoughts based on 2 Corinthians 4:18 and Matthew 6:33-34.

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