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About Jay
Jay Younts and his late wife, Ruth Younts, and are grateful parents of 2 daughters, 3 sons, and are grandparents to 5 wonderful grandchildren. It has been Jay's privilege for the last 40 years to teach, counsel, and write about biblical parenting.
Over the years, his passion for this topic has grown into a YouTube channel where Jay hopes to reach the many families and individuals who need daily encouragement from God's Word. He currently serves as an elder in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and is honored to be a member of Village Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC.
Jay has been privileged, in God's providence, to have worked with a wide range of issues relating to the Christian life, especially those dealing with relationships. He is committed to the sufficiency of Scripture to address the challenges that we all face in life. He is deeply persuaded that life is about our relationship with God and not about keeping a set of rules. We are God's "work of art" in progress so that we can embrace the good things that Christ has called us to do. Ephesians 2:10
Books by Jay Younts

by Paul David Tripp
What do you do when you've really blown it? Is sin really as dangerous and is grace really as powerful as the Bible says they are? Is there such a thing as a new beginning?
by David Gibson
What if it is death that teaches us how to truly live?

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When you walk, they will guide you;
when you sleep, they will watch over you;
when you awake, they will speak to you.